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What are the most common symptoms that lead to a prosthesis?

The main symptom is pain.

Only you can feel this pain. Although pain cannot be measured, there are ways to assess it. Your surgeon will help you quantify your pain and rate it on a scale by asking simple questions about its location, how it occurs, whether it is mechanical (caused by exertion) or inflammatory (at night), its functional effects (on daily activities, walking), its control with medication, and its intensity.

Also, the way you experience, manage and accept pain is very important. There are other symptoms such as lameness, limb deformity, swelling that may accompany the pain and be more prominent.

symptoms knee prosthesis
The younger the patient, the more important the impact on daily life becomes in the decision. As the years go by, pain becomes the main reason for deciding to undergo surgery.

Therefore, a very old patient will decide to have an operation if he cannot sleep at night because of his pain.

The impact of these symptoms on your life will be noticeable. For example, the use of a walking stick, the distance you can walk, and the ability to get up and down stairs will all be important factors for your surgeon to consider.

And finally, your tolerance as a patient for this situation depends on these simple questions:


Is your situation acceptable?


Can you accept to stay this way?


Is your knee ruining your life?

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